It was certainly not a natural occasion in September 1953, when the female members of the bvp (Austrian People's Party), under the leadership of the Chairman, Lola Solar, invited women to attend the "First International Conference of Christian Democratic Women" in Salzburg, Austria. The aim of the meeting was to initiate closer contacts with politically active women in all the democratic countries of Europe. They wanted to confer with like minded women who were striving for the same goal.
At the Conference, they heard lectures on:
"Mother/child relationship today", Dr. Sylvia Klimpfinger, University of Vienna "Family as the supporter of the State", Germaine Touquet, Chairman of the Women of M.R.P., Paris "Equality and public life - personality development", Dr. Elsa Conci, MP, Rome "The healthy but endangered child", Dr. Verena Borsinger, Criminal Judge, Basel "Social position of the working woman", Dr. Helene Weber, MP, Bonn "Complete political picture", Lola Solar, MP, Vienna
They expressed their agreed intention to work closely together, in the following declaration:
"In view of the need for intensive cooperation and mutual understanding on all important relevant questions, including the continued existence of the family, the social protection and economic support of working women, and the necessity to influence the respective legislations in each country, the representatives of the European countries present at the Conference of Christian Democratic Women decide to cultivate and deepen this fruitful exchange of ideas. Therefore, assuming the approval of the organizations in their countries, they request the Austrian Women's Movement to carry out the groundwork for creating lasting cooperation in the form of a Christian Democratic working group of European women, with a permanent secretariat.
The representatives of the European countries present at the First International Conference of Christian Democratic Women in Salzburg recognize their high responsibility and obligations and, in the spirit of love and understanding, will do their utmost to bring lasting peace and freedom to the families, to the people of Europe and to the whole world, through untiring purposeful work."
After several preparatory meetings held during 1954, the first official General Assembly of the "Union of Women of Europe" took place in The Hague at the invitation of the then Catholic People's Party of the Netherlands.
At the Conference, they heard lectures on:
"Mother/child relationship today", Dr. Sylvia Klimpfinger, University of Vienna "Family as the supporter of the State", Germaine Touquet, Chairman of the Women of M.R.P., Paris "Equality and public life - personality development", Dr. Elsa Conci, MP, Rome "The healthy but endangered child", Dr. Verena Borsinger, Criminal Judge, Basel "Social position of the working woman", Dr. Helene Weber, MP, Bonn "Complete political picture", Lola Solar, MP, Vienna
They expressed their agreed intention to work closely together, in the following declaration:
"In view of the need for intensive cooperation and mutual understanding on all important relevant questions, including the continued existence of the family, the social protection and economic support of working women, and the necessity to influence the respective legislations in each country, the representatives of the European countries present at the Conference of Christian Democratic Women decide to cultivate and deepen this fruitful exchange of ideas. Therefore, assuming the approval of the organizations in their countries, they request the Austrian Women's Movement to carry out the groundwork for creating lasting cooperation in the form of a Christian Democratic working group of European women, with a permanent secretariat.
The representatives of the European countries present at the First International Conference of Christian Democratic Women in Salzburg recognize their high responsibility and obligations and, in the spirit of love and understanding, will do their utmost to bring lasting peace and freedom to the families, to the people of Europe and to the whole world, through untiring purposeful work."
After several preparatory meetings held during 1954, the first official General Assembly of the "Union of Women of Europe" took place in The Hague at the invitation of the then Catholic People's Party of the Netherlands.
Council Meetings (CM) and General Assemblies (GA)
1953 - 20151953 Salzburg - Foundation of the Union 1955 The Hague - The position of women in economic, social and political life Chairman: Lola Solar, MP 1957 Strasbourg - The attitude of women towards Communism Chairman: Lola Solar, MP 1959 West Berlin - Liberty, the foundation of a united Europe Chairman: On. Dr. Elsa Conci 1961 London - Europe and the developing countries Chairman: On. Dr. Elsa Conci 1963 Rome - Educational development of the European idea Chairman: Dr. Maria Probst MdB - read more 1965 Vienna - Cooperation of the peoples of Europe in the field of culture Chairman: Dr. Maria Probst MdB 1967 Munich - We are the citizen’s of Europe Chairman: Charlotte Fera, MdHB 1969 Stockholm - Europe in the world Chairman: Charlotte Fera, MdHB 1971 Paris On the road to European Unity Chairman: Charlotte Fera, MdHB 1973 Oxford Responsibility in the modern society Chairman: Baroness Elles 1975 Rome Equality, development and peace Chairman: Baroness Elles 1977 Turku A policy for freedom – our European challenge Chairman: Baroness Elles 1979 Bonn Child, family, society Chairman: Ingrid Diesen, MP 1981 Interlaken Quality of life in Europe, individual & society Chairman: Ingrid Diesen, MP 1983 Munich Women’s responsibility for the future Chairman: Ursula Schleicher, MEP 1985 Brighton New technologies – chance or danger? Chairman: Ursula Schleicher, MEP 1987 Vienna The challenge of the year 2000 Chairman: Dr. Marilies Flemming, BM 1989 La Baule Our European identity Chairman: Dr. Marilies Flemming, BM 1991 St Gallen European cooperation – a challenge for women Chairman: Dr. Marilies Flemming, BM 1993 Warwick The new Europe Chairman: Angela Guillaume 1995 Dresden Human rights – women’s rights Chairman: Angela Guillaume 1996, Madrid: Women at the centre of Europe CM 1997, Athens: Women Re-shaping Politics GA Frauen Machen Andere Politk Les Femmes Reinventent la Politique 1998, Velden: no title CM 1999, Stockholm: Safeguarding future generations across Europe GA La protection des generations à venir à travers L’Europe Zukünftige Generationen in Europa schützen 2000 Malta: no title CM 2001 Athens: Safeguarding Future Generations Across Europe GA La sauvegarde des generations à vernir en Europe Schutz der zukünftigen Generationen in Europa 2002 Warsaw: no title CM 2003 Graz: Shared Solutions to common Problems GA Des Solutions communes à des problèmes communs Gemeinsame Probleme miteinander lösen 2005 Bern: Women making the Difference CM Femmes en Politique – Vive la Difference Frauen machen es anders 2007 Hillerod: Women Facing real Life CM Les Femmes confrontée à la Vie Frauen stellen sich dem Leben 2009 Dijon: Europe: Vision for the Future CM Europe: Vision pour le Futur Europa: Eine Vision für die Zukunft 2011 Athens: Europe: Migration and Human Rights CM Europe: Migration et Droits de l’Homme Europa: Migration und Menschenrechte 2013 Brussels: CM 2013 Poitiers: Diamond Jubilee Elected Officials 1995 - 2015 1995 Dresden no title GA President : Angela Guillaume C.B.E. (UK)
Edeltraud Gatterer M.P. (A) Maren Günther, MEP (Ger) Elsbeth Luber-Melchiot (Sui) Fanny Palli-Petralia M.P. (Gr) 1997 Athens Women Re-shaping Politics GA President: Angela Guillaume C.B.E. (UK)
Board Members: Isabel Barosso (Sp) Edeltraud Gatterer (A) Elsbeth Luber-Melchio (Sui) Fanny Palli-Petralia (Gr) Bärbel Steinkemper (Ger) 1999 Stockholm Safeguarding future generations across Europe GA President: Fanny Palli-Petralia MP (Gr)
Board Members: Lidia Bialek (Po) Tricia Birchley (UK) Eva Navarette (Sp) Sonja Sjoli (Nor) Christiane Tricot (F) 2001 Athens Safeguarding Future Generations Across Europe GA President: Fanny Palli-Petralia MP (Gr) Vice-President: Bärbel Steinkemper (Ger) Vice-President: Sonja Moser-Starrach (A) Treasurer: Lo Petersen-Kjaergaard (Dk) Board Members: Lidia Bialek (Po) Tricia Birchley (UK) Eva Navarette (Sp) Marietta de Pourbaix Lundin (Swe) Christiane Tricot (F) 2003 Graz Shared Solutions to common Problems GA President: Ingrid Tichy-Schreder (A) Vice-President: Peta Payne (UK) Treasurer: Birte Iversen (Dk) 2005 Bern Women making the Difference CM Femmes en Politique – Vive la Differen President: Ingrid Tichy-Schreder (A) Vice-President: Peta Payne (UK) Treasurer: Birte Iversen (Dk) 2007 Hillerod Women Facing real Life CM President: Ingrid Tichy-Schreder (A) Vice-President: Dianne Coe (UK) Treasurer: Birte Iversen 2009 Dijon Europe: Vision for the Future CM President: Walburga Habsburg Douglas (Swe) Vice-President: Dianne Coe (UK) Treasurer: Birte Iversen (Dk) 2011 Athens Europe: Migration and Human Rights CM President: Walburga Habsburg Douglas (Swe) Vice-President: Dianne Coe (UK) Treasurer: Birte Iversen (Dk) 2013 Brussels no title CM President: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier MEP (F) Vice-Presidents: Margaret Hales (UK) Aphrodite Bletas (Gr) Bärbel Steinkemper (Ger) Treasurer: Sonja Stiegelbauer (A) Vice-Treasurer: Irene Peer-Polzer (A) Web Master: Leigh Mendelsohn 2013 Poitiers Diamond Jubilee CM President: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier MEP (F) Vice-Presidents: Margaret Hales (UK) Aphrodite Bletas (Gr) Bärbel Steinkemper (Ger) 2015 Warsaw GM President: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier MEP (F) Vice-Presidents: Margaret Hales (UK) Aphrodite Bletas (Gr) Bärbel Steinkemper (Ger) Treasurer: Sonja Stiegelbauer (A) Vice-Treasurer: Irene Peer-Polzer (A) |
EUW Workshops 1999- 2007
General Assembly 1999 Stockholm General Theme: Safeguarding future generations across Europe
Commissions: Environment, Local Government and Regional Planning; Food and Agriculture; Health
General Assembly 2001 Athens General Theme: Safeguarding future generations across Europe
General Assembly 2003 Graz General Theme: Shared Solutions to common problems
Commissions: Environment, Local Government and Regional Planning; Education, Culture and Science; Information and Mass Media
Council Meeting 2005 Bern General Theme: Women making the difference
- Migration into Europe - Domestic Violence - International Crime - Security
- Social Systems - Economy and Labour - Impact on the Environment
- Demography - Work/Life Balance Council Meeting 2007 Hillerod General Theme: Women facing real life
Council Meeting 2009 Dijon General Theme: Europe – Vision for the future